Practicing the Skill of Reflection

One of the things we have heard the most from professional school admissions representatives at recent conferences has been the importance of students learning to reflect.

As Pre-Professional Advisors we attend conferences with people who work in the admissions process for professional programs. One of the things they have discussed with us a lot is how important it is for students to be able to communicate clearly about their experiences. Schools are looking for students to have the ability to carefully examine their thoughts about their experiences and to discuss what they learned, what they contributed, why it mattered and other deeper thoughts--not just, "here is what I did."

As a professional, you will need to be able to think about an encounter with a patient/client and consider whether you handled as well as you could have and what you should do differently. You will need to be able to determine how to handle complex emotions. This is why reflection matters professionally.

This section of the Learning Center helps you explore this skill set.

Just to show you how important the idea of reflection is in professional school, here is a sampling of websites and articles you can find about how a variety of programs use reflection as a tool in training professional students.